Bible Challenge for Families

in: Apps, Games, Web Apps Development, Trivia Apps

The "Bible Challenge for Families" web app, which is actually an adaptation and extension to the "Bible Challenge for Schools" game, contains a game that offers families to log in from their phones and solve puzzles from the Bible world related to the Jewish Sukkot holiday.

The game consists of three stages - first gate, second gate and a finishing mission. After registration, the family will start at the first gate, and they can solve the six puzzles in it, before moving on to the next gate. Each puzzle have instructions and clues, and its code must be solved using gematria. The family will receive a score for each puzzle according to the amount of their attempts to correctly solve the puzzle. In the final assignment the family will be required to take a video or photo of themselves according to the assignment goal.

In addition, in the bonus area the family can answer additional puzzles, in order to get an addition to their final score.

After a successful completion of the challenge, the family will receive a certificate of appreciation that they can print and keep.

The app also contains various information pages - about the challenge, about the company, contact, links, feedback and shares.

All content in the app can be edited and updated in a dedicated management system we have set up. The families' answers and their scores are also stored in the system to announce winners and receive statistics and information.


Main app page






Successful puzzle solving


Level up


Bonus area


Bonus riddle


Final mission


Finishing the challenge


Certificate of Appreciation


Side menu and additional pages


Management system - main page


Management System - Puzzle Editing Page