Sufgamania - Augmented Reality Game on Spark AR

in: Games, Social Networks API, Spark AR

This year, for the Israeli Hanukkah holiday, Roladin (a nationwide bakery) came out with an AR game for Facebook and Instagram which we had the pleasure of designing and developing, based on Facebook's Spark AR platform.

In the game, users are required to grab as many donuts as possible using a Roladin branded box, which moves right and left at the bottom of the screen by the user's head movement. But if the user accidentally catch the red and angry spinning driedel - the game is over and the player can try and replay.

Whoever gets the most points will win a prize, each day.

Users can share their gameplay in their story on Instagram and Facebook, or share a video or photo from the game.


To experience the game yourself, you can see it on Facebook and Instagram.


Video of the course of the game


Instructions screen


The game


Ending screen