Similar to rental apps like Bird and Wind, and per-minute use apps like Gett - so too does the UCharge app allow the user to rent a portable charger, from machines scattered around the country, and pay for renting the removable charger from the machine, per minute of use. The application was characterized, designed, developed and maintained by us in "Slash Applications Development".

When downloading the app, the user is asked to log in and create a personal profile - via his Facebook account, his Google account, his Apple account or by identifying his phone with a verification code sent to him by SMS.

Once logged in, the user can purchase a package from the list of packages in the app, or alternatively just enter credit card information in order to be able to charge it according to the actual minute of use. The user can also edit his personal details and choose the display language - English or Hebrew.

On the main app page, the user sees a map showing the various machines scattered around the country. Each machine can present details - where it is located, a picture of the machine, contact information for the machine operator, opening hours, whether the machine is currently open and if it currently have portable chargers available for use.

The user who arrives at the site can scan the QR code on the machine using the application, the identification is performed and the machine pulls out a mobile charger for the user to start using. The payment for the use of that charger is made according to the number of minutes - from the moment the rental starts until the moment of return, to the machine from which the charger was removed or to another machine of the company.

For the day-to-day operation of the app, a dedicated control system has been set up for the customer, which allows him to add machines to inventory, add batteries, edit machine details, edit package details, edit questions and answers on the app, and receive an indication of registered users, rentals, transactions made, And more. Customer can also make various queries using the management system and download the information to Excel files.

Download the app from Google Play Store or from Apple App Store.


Login page


Main Page - Map




Purchase a package


Machine information page


Start of rental - Scanning QR code on the machine


Active rental


Termination of lease upon return of charger to machine


The Hebrew app - Payment details update page


The application in Hebrew - Contact page


Management system


Management system - editing machine details


Management system - making general settings