Development of "VeetLand" games

in: Games, Trivia Apps, Mind Games

In 2018 and 2019, we developed for the advertising agencies of Reckitt Benckiser, which markets the Veet brand, game applications that girls can register and accumulate points in the various games. The girls who accumulate the most points will win valuable prizes.

In 2018 the theme of the application was "senses", as well as the games in it -

  • In the game of visual sense, the player was required to locate a small element hidden in a large picture. The player had the option to enlarge the image, but with each increase the amount of potential points for that game was reduced.
  • In the game of taste, the player had to mark the right ingredients of the cupcake cake she had seen. Marking a correct component entitles a point, marking an incorrect component reduces a score.
  • In the tactile game the player scratch a card, and reveal a picture that hides beneath it. The more the player managed to guess the picture with a little scratching, the more she scored for that game.
  • In the game of hearing, the player listened to a short piece of audio, and had to determine - which instrument was not played in that section.
  • In the smell game, the player had to "catch" an emoji with a good smell (flowers, perfumes, etc.) and avoid emoji with bad smell (fish, garbage can, etc.).


In 2019 the theme of the application was "The Four Elements", and the games were -

  • In the wind game, the player must "grab" the picture, from pictures that change one after the other in a breeze, which corresponds to the right picture that appears on the left side.
  • In the earth game, in each round the player gets a subject - sea or land. And accordingly it must capture the appropriate images for the same subject, and avoid the images that are not on the same subject.
  • In the fire game, the player sends a ball of fire to a spinning wheel. The fireball must pass through the hoop successfully, on both sides.
  • In the water game, every turn there are 6 reversed cards. Two of the same cards are suitable, and the rest are not. The player can turn two cards each time, like the game of memory, and she must succeed in few attempts to reveal the right two water cards.


In both 2018 and 2019, after all the games were played, the player could compete in the "All or Nothing" trivia round. These trivia questions were about the Veet brand. If the player answer correctly, she will multiply all the points she made in that round. If she make a mistake, she will lose 200 points.

Another mechanism that resumed in 2018 and 2019 is a sharing mechanism and inviting a friend. A player who invited a friend to play won 200 points and earned her friend 200 points.

In order to operate the game, the advertising agencies and the client had a management system, in which they can view the activity and registration of all the players, as well as edit the contents of the various games.


 2018 app - main page


2018 app - registration


2018 app - games page


2018 app - sight game


2018 app - taste game


2018 app - touching game


2018 app - smell game


2018 app - entering bonus round


2018 app - bonus round


2018 app - success in bonus round


2018 app - share


2019 app - homepage


2019 app - login


2019 app - games page


2019 app - ground game


2019 app - fire game


2019 app - water game


2019 app - bonus round


2019 app - bonus round success


App management system