In the "The Million Pound Drop" game, users can play while the program is being broadcast - and answer in real time the same questions that appear on the TV screen and are answered by the contestants on the program, at the same time and together with them. In addition, users can do trivia games even outside of program show hours, and answer questions from a wide pool of questions.

The game is played as follows - initially, the user receives a virtual amount of half a million NIS. When he answers a question, he has to divide the money between the possible answers. Only one answer is correct, and when the time's up the user will lose the money he puts on the wrong answers, and will keep the money he puts on the correct answer. So he should try and put as much money as possible on the answer that he thinks is correct. The player answers the questions, one after the other, with his goal being to keep as much money as possible by the end of the game.

In an off-broadcast game, there are 8 questions in each game, and the questions appear from a wide pool of questions.

In the game that is played during the broadcast of the program, the questions that will appear are exactly the same questions that the contestants answer, and the players answer each question together with the contestants in the program simultaneously. When each player's goal is to stay with as much money as possible until the end of the program.

In addition to game development, we have also developed a registration mechanism for players and a page of statistics where each user can see information about his various games. At the customer's disposal is a management system we developed for the game, where they can define the questions of the various games, upload a list of questions from an Excel file, manage the various programs and questions displayed during a program in real time, and get information about registered users and their various games in a special dashboard.


Main app page


Question page


Registration page


App on desktop


Customer's management system