Establishing a website of the Central Bottling Company - "Leading"

in: Websites, Wordpress Websites, Blogs, CBC Group

Periodically, the personnel department of the Central Bottling Company Ltd. (which distributes the Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta brands, etc. in Israel) would publish a printed magazine that is being hand out to the employees of the company. In order to improve the distribution of the magazine and to enable its reading everywhere, it was proposed to build a dedicated and friendly website in the spirit of the existing printed magazine. The website was built over Wordpress, and contains all the articles, which will be updated periodically and on a regular basis.

The "Leading" website contains a variety of articles on various subjects. The news of the CEO, which is updated periodically, news releases and news of the organization, opened jobs positions, company excellencies, and more.


Articles categories page



Article page


CEO's article